I thought I would go back and take a look at temperatures and precip and see what has happened so far this year. The bottom line is that since February we have had above normal precipitation and since April temperatures have been warmer than normal.
As for the rainfall/snowfall category, we have averaged more than 150% above normal from February through June. That's wet. So far, though, July is running below normal. We are halfway through the month with only 1/3 our normal rainfall.
Temperature-wise, March was last month when the mercury averaged below normal. From April through mid-July we are running +2.65 degrees.
Here's the breakdown:
Month Temperature Departure Precip % of Normal
February - 0.1 194%
March - 1.3 141%
April + 2.8 146%
May + 3.5 183%
June + 1.6 152%
July (thru 7/15) +2.7 33%
As for the future, it looks like temperatures will remain well above normal through the end of July. Things will return more to normal in early August and probably remain there into Fall.
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